In the window: some pottery from Marge Wallace, ceramic artist in Harare; an old violin top that I replaced on an instrument and then put in the window for display; a special candle holder from my artist friend Helen Molin; a 1/2 size violin I started years ago and just recently finished the scroll to; a special pottery container made by Emil; bits and bobs basket from the side on the road in Zim; a double bass bridge of mine (made of maple - hence the leaf); the shelves and drawers I made very simply to keep things tidy, they are of full of varnish stuff mostly; old baby food jars full of brushes and pencils and things to the left.
Although sometimes it looks more like this. Five of seven basses in at the time!!
A beautiful autumn wreath that someone recently made for the front door.
This is a very old post but I cannot find anyone else. Do you repair violins?