Welcome to the virtual incarnation of my workshop where you can find out about the different aspects of my work - without disturbing me. My website http://www.basscare.se/ is being kept as simple as possible. Here is where you'll find the stuff I chat to my customers about, or stuff that I would chat to my customers about if there was more time and I was more chatty. Feel free to browse around and if you'd like to get updates in your facebook newsfeed click on 'like' at my facebook page: Elinore Morris - instrument maker www.facebook.com/Basscare. The colours of this blog attempt to match the colours of the inside of the workshop, which has been renovated with historically accurate linseed oil based paint, and you can see a snippet of the newly sanded wooden floor.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Work space

The Strad magazine did a series of articles about different luthiers' workshops, with pictures and descriptions. Here's mine: tools on the left wall; stove for glue; ebony files on the left; wood files on the right, a couple of violins I made at school hanging up there; two pieces of paper that I decided to frame; a cupboard we made during our first year.
In the window: some pottery from Marge Wallace, ceramic artist in Harare; an old violin top that I replaced on an instrument and then put in the window for display; a special candle holder from my artist friend Helen Molin; a 1/2 size violin I started years ago and just recently finished the scroll to; a special pottery container made by Emil; bits and bobs basket from the side on the road in Zim; a double bass bridge of mine (made of maple - hence the leaf); the shelves and drawers I made very simply to keep things tidy, they are of full of varnish stuff mostly; old baby food jars full of brushes and pencils and things to the left.

Although sometimes it looks more like this. Five of seven basses in at the time!!
A beautiful autumn wreath that someone recently made for the front door.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very old post but I cannot find anyone else. Do you repair violins?
