Welcome to the virtual incarnation of my workshop where you can find out about the different aspects of my work - without disturbing me. My website http://www.basscare.se/ is being kept as simple as possible. Here is where you'll find the stuff I chat to my customers about, or stuff that I would chat to my customers about if there was more time and I was more chatty. Feel free to browse around and if you'd like to get updates in your facebook newsfeed click on 'like' at my facebook page: Elinore Morris - instrument maker www.facebook.com/Basscare. The colours of this blog attempt to match the colours of the inside of the workshop, which has been renovated with historically accurate linseed oil based paint, and you can see a snippet of the newly sanded wooden floor.

Monday 29 November 2010


Perched about the workshop are a number of birds, the latest arrivals being some owls. Alf-Inge (also a violinmaker) has been a bird watcher for many years, and when he can't get out in the countryside to spy on them with his binoculars then he has to make do with carving and painting them - rather beautifully as you can see. There is a little mixed flock of them up in the shop at the castle for sale. The picture above shows two unpainted "juveniles" and the final adult result is displayed below together with a Norwegian hardingfele (hardangar violin) built by Alf-Inge's father.

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